Top 10 Ideas for Employee Wellness Programs

The health and wellness of the employees usually affect the growth of a company because employees are the greatest asset of a company. Ensuring the best mental and physical health of the employees has become one of the major responsibilities of a company. Many organizations now understand this and are ready to invest money in employee wellness programs.

It is very important to keep in mind that the wellness program you run should be fun and keep your employees engaged. To run a successful employee wellness program, employers can provide compulsory fitness training, wellness seminars, or even team-up with mobile apps like Buzzinga, Walkify, Welltok, etc. which offers employee wellness programs. 

Here are some employee wellness program ideas you must try:

  • Promote Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy eating should always be a part of your employee wellness program. Maintaining healthy eating habits is often difficult in the office, especially when the routine is disturbed due to workload and deadlines. Employers can help their employees by creating challenges that reward them for eating healthy food. There are a few apps that can help your employees log the food that they eat throughout the day. 

  • Health and Wellness Seminars

Invite health specialists and fitness trainers to take monthly seminars, where they provide health assessments, biometric screenings, and check the overall health status and give tips to improve the health of the employees.

  • Reward-based Group Fitness Challenges

Incentivize your employees for achieving their fitness goals. Let them participate in fitness challenges where they have to perform bodyweight exercises like jumping jacks, squats, push-ups, etc., and reward the team/employee who wins the challenge. You can use a corporate wellness platform that offers effective wellness programs. 

  • Celebrate Wellness Wednesday

Celebrate Wellness Wednesday or Fitness Friday every week. Dedicate one day for fun and fitness activities with all the employees. One day a week for fun activities seems much more manageable and it is a great way to distress your employees for the week. It will improve team bonding and make the office environment happier. 

  • On-site Yoga Classes 

If an employee is mentally relaxed and physically fit, then he can work with the utmost productivity. Organizing on-site yoga sessions are a way to guide your employees to stay calm at work. Invite a yoga instructor every week or once in 15 days to teach yoga asanas and their benefits to the team. By organizing such yoga sessions, you will be able to bring health awareness among your employees and contribute to their fitness journey. 

  • On-site Game Zone

Create a game zone in the office where your employee can play games on their short breaks. Keep some footballs, hula hoops, volleyballs, table tennis courts, and other indoor games around the office. Make office fun and encourage your employees to take a short break and relax. 

  • Facilitate Fresh Fruits Delivery 

Regular fresh fruits and veggies delivery at the workplace may sound a little costly but it is worth it. The lunchroom is the place where employees gather to have snacks and meals. Many times they choose to eat unhealthy junk food like potato chips, burgers, chocolates, etc.  Instead of eating unhealthy packaged food, encourage them to eat fresh and healthy fruits. You can do this by facilitating the delivery of fresh fruits daily for the employees for free.  

  • Walking Meetings

Research has shown that walking makes you more creative. On average, your employees sit 8-10 hours at work daily, so why not turn your meetings into walking meetings? 

The idea of turning meetings into walking meetings may seem like a joke to some people. Generally, corporate meetings are held in office meeting rooms, conference rooms, and even in cafes and restaurants. The best way to arrange walking meetings is to conduct them in small groups. Encourage your employees to have walking meetings by telling them its benefits such as enhancing creative thinking, mental clarity, and less stress. 

  • Employee Health Insurance

Employers can provide health insurance to their employees that can encourage them to go for regular medical check-ups and also save cost from their pocket. With health insurance, you can provide them hospitalization coverage, including pre and post-hospitalization expenses and reimbursement of fees of medical specialists. 

  • Stairs Challenge

If your office building has stairs, challenge your employees to use the stairs instead of elevators. Encourage them to use the stairwell by placing posters that illustrate the physical health benefits of using the stairs. As your employees see these posters every day in the office, they might feel motivated to actually try using the stairwell everywhere they go.

A wellness program will not only improve the productivity of your employees, but it will also make them feel good at the workplace. Try out these corporate wellness program ideas, and you will be amazed to see good changes in your company.

Looking for a reliable corporate wellness platform? Buzzinga is a 360-degree corporate wellness app where employers can run various fitness challenges and incentivize the teams/employees who are able to achieve their fitness goals at the end of every challenge.  


Author Bio:

Shweta Parmar is a digital marketing manager and a content creator at Buzzing a Fit App. She writes blogs related to health and fitness to promote healthy lifestyles.

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